Debbie Arnett

Debbie and her husband Jim have been married since 1979. They moved in 2018 from Livonia to Oakland Township to be closer to their kids and grandkids. They worshipped with the Parkside Church of Christ from 1993 to 2018, where Jim served as an Elder. They have been members at the Lake Orion Church of Christ since 2018. Over the years, Debbie has taught children’s classes, organized VBS, and led “Special Sisters”, a ministry connecting widows with younger women in the congregation for social activities and mutual edification. She is a retired Teaching Assistant from the Redford Union School District, working in both Kindergarten and First grades for 26 years. Debbie has always had a heart for the elderly and strives to make a positive contribution to the work at the Care Community.

Meet the Team


Board of Directors
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